Kenny's Fudgey Oatmeal Cookies In a pot, mix these until blended: 1/2 cup milk 2 cups sugar 5 tbsp cocoa powder Turn on heat to medium low and add: 1/2 stick unsalted butter Bring to a simmer, stirring, and cook 6-7 minutes. You're basically making fudge here, so cook it for that long. Turn off heat and stir in: 3 to 3 1/2 cups old-fashioned oats Moving fairly quickly, drop mixture by spoonfuls onto Silpat or greased cookie sheets. Let cool and firm up, 2-3 hours. Then enjoy moist fudgey oatey goodness! ================= And here's another from SouthShoreAP, which I think is superior. 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 2 cups white sugar 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup butter 3 cups quick cooking oats 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter (I used creamy) 1 tablespoon vanilla extract Heat cocoa, sugar, milk and butter over medium heat. Boil these verrrrry slowly (they will turn out better) when they reach the boiling point boil them for no longer than 90-120 seconds. Remove from heat, and stir in peanut butter until melted. Add vanilla and stir again Pour over oatmeal, and drop on wax paper. --------- Tried vegan modification: 3 oz oil instead of butter soy milk instead of regular milk However, it does not work. The oil never congeals into a fudge. You can freeze them and they are tolerable. You need something that's solid at room temperature.